ILS Colloquium

talks 2023/24

Maria del Carmen Parafita Couto

Maria del Carmen Parafita Couto: What if …? Imagining linguistic theory rooted in multilingual data ———————– Abstract In this presentation we will explore a hypothetical scenario: What if linguistic theory had been grounded on bi-/multilingual practices and data, i.e. what if multilingualism had always been recognized as an inherent aspect of the human mind and…

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Dynamics of Youth (DoY)

Dynamics of Youth is a strategic theme of Utrecht University. Within Dynamics of Youth scientists from all fields of expertise study how children and young people develop in our changing society. The strategic theme comprises four communities that focus on different aspects of child development; Early Childhood: Focus on development ranging from conception until 6…

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Audrey Rousse-Malpat

Can you become a good language teacher without a structure-based training? On a Dynamic Usage-based inspired L2 pedagogy from primary school to university. Most foreign language teachers in the Netherlands today have followed what Lightbown and Spada (2013) call a Structure-based (SB) language learning training. This means that they have become proficient in a foreign…

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Henriëtte de Swart & Bert Le Bruyn

Time in Translation – five years later ———————– Abstract In this talk, we report results from the Time in Translation project ( carried out at Utrecht University between 2017 and 2022. Reference to time and events is part of human cognition, but languages vary in the expression of temporal information. We know from the literature…

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